Dear Colleagues, Friends and Partners,
As we embrace the New Year, we hope that the year 2023 will be a promising year for all of us, to our work and bring peace to the world.
Bidding adieu to 2022, with remembrance that Covid 19 held us in its captivity for over two years. Looking at the days ahead, I am hopeful that the year 2023 will bring prosperity and enable us to work more effectively for our cause of preserving our ecosystem.
Being the torchbearers of Planet preservation, it is our prime obligation to ensure that our operations are conducted in such a way that it maintains and improves the delicate balance between humankind and nature in 2023. Climate change and biodiversity losses have become pressing challenges for us all that requires our immediate attention with each passing day. We must act now to spare future generations from suffering preventable lifestyle changes imposed on them as a result of our inaction.
Though, PNC activities left much to be desired during last year, but we have come together to create a better future for our planet and its diverse species, which is unique, inspiring, and very important in the current climate crisis. The year 2022 has been a significant year that underlined the severity of these issues on forums like CITES COP19, Climate COP27 and CBD COP15.
To ensure long-term viability for our organizations and their missions and at the same time, ensuring that biodiversity conservation is front-and-center in our endeavors, should be a top priority. Together, let us work towards developing integrated solutions – corporate policies prioritizing care for nature, plus investments supporting climate adaptation plans – so that humanity may thrive while preserving the planet’s natural resources.
Let us make this next year, an example of how taking action today can lead to infinite possibilities.
A very Happy New Year to all my colleagues!
Dr. Roomi S. Hayat
Pakistan National Committee, IUCN