Rural Aid implemented WASH project “Installation of 500 Shallow Hand Pumps for Vulnerable Communities in District Multan and ensured the easy and sustainable access of 32,994 vulnerable community members (including women, men, children, PWDs and transgenders) to safe drinking water according to SPHERE standards.
Well oriented and trained 50 Community WASH Committees are playing a vital for awareness raising, information dissemination, promotion of health & hygiene and adoption of safer WASH practices, monitoring & supervision, Operation and Maintenance of hand pumps and sustainability. After the installment of hand pumps, community mobilization and sensitization, these communities adopted safer WASH practices and initiated the kitchen gardening, domestic goat and duck farming, planted trees to improve livelihood status.
The water borne diseases decreased and health & hygiene status of beneficiaries improved by taking bath every day, drinking safe and clean water, washing hands and using proper clean cloths and kitchen parts. These well oriented and educated community members adopted of safer WASH practices and playing a great role for promotion of domestic health & hygiene, awareness raising and information dissemination to their friends, neighbors and other villagers and adoption of safer WASH practices.
The Rural Aid’s WASH program contributing its strategic plan 2022-2025 strategic theme 2 “Increase equitable access to quality social services, including health, education, WASH” and strategic objective “Improved access to clean drinking water, public and environmental sanitation and hygiene promotion.”
The documentary can be viewed by visiting this link.