Taraqee foundation – clean drinking water supply scheme for flood affected communities
With the support of UNDP, Taraqee Foundation is constructing clean drinking water supply scheme to flood affected communities through village development committees of Kachhi district. As clean drinking water is the main problem in the district and also cause of various water borne diseases.
IUCN in Collaboration with P&D Board launches Pakistan’s first Climate Change Gender Action Plan in Punjab
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in collaboration with the Planning and Development Board, Government of Punjab launched Pakistan’s first ever Climate Change Gender Action Plan in Punjab. They launched an interactive Framework for Action called the Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) that illustrates the opportunity for multi-stakeholders and Climate and Gender champions to regain momentum on climate change and Gender, make the necessary pivot from negotiations to implementation in order to make the massive transformation that must take place throughout all sectors of society to address the climate emergency.
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