Ladies try to rescue our threatened forests, but timber mafia still active! By: Afia Salam, Member of IUCN CEC

NOTE: This article was written before the recent implementation of the ban.

I want to thank some lady Parliamentarians. Yes I am being gender biased by making a distinction here but deliberately so. Kudos to Senator Saeeda  Iqbal and MNA Maryam Aurangzeb for the spunk they have shown in getting the order of former PM, Raja Pervez Ashraf of removal of ban on timber movement from Gilgit-Baltistan reversed. Continue reading “Ladies try to rescue our threatened forests, but timber mafia still active! By: Afia Salam, Member of IUCN CEC”

ACCA-WWF Pakistan Environmental Reporting Awards 2012

ACCA-WWF Pakistan Environmental Reporting Awards 2012Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Pakistan hosted the Green Economy Forum 2013 on June 05, 2013 at Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Mr. Javed Jabbar former IUCN global Vice President and Regional Councillor was the key note speaker at the panel discussion ‘Corporate Pakistan Leadership in the Green Economy’. A large number of participants including CEOs, CFOs, ACCA members and other professionals from corporate, public sector and practice, NGOs and Media were present at the event. Continue reading “ACCA-WWF Pakistan Environmental Reporting Awards 2012”