Contribution of IUCN Pakistan National Committee Members mitigating the impact of COVID-19

Humanity as a whole, is facing one of its worst crisis with COIVD-2019 outbreak, making us shut down all businesses and even basic human interactions. In these terribly difficult times, we call for the formation of national, provincial and state level coordination and relief committees comprised of experts, elected representatives, civil and military authorities, CSOs and media to tackle this acute crisis.

Pakistan CSOs Statement on COVID-2019

Meeting of the IUCN Pakistan National Committee Members held on March 09, 2020 in Islamabad

A meeting of the IUCN Pakistan National Committee Members was held on March 09, 2020 at the Institute Management. Mr. Roomi S. Hayat, Chairperson, IUCN Pakistan National Committee chaired the meeting. Mr. Malik Amin Aslam, IUCN Vice President & Regional Councillor and Adviser to the Prime Minister on Climate Change also attended this meeting.
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