Symposium: “Climate Education: Educate, Advocate and Act”

Islamabad, 08th May, 2024 – The Institute of Rural Management (IRM) in collaboration with HRDN and RSPN organized a Symposium titled ‘Climate Education: Educate, Advocate, and Act’ at International Islamic University, Islamabad. The event brought together a diverse audience of government officials, professors, professionals, students, and community members. The event shed light on Pakistan’s vulnerability to the global impact of Climate Change, and the imperative to educate citizens, particularly the youth, about its implications and mitigation strategies.

Notable panelists, including Dr. Roomi S. Hayat (CEO, IRM & Chairperson IUCN-PNC), Dr. Tariq Cheema (Executive Country Representative Pakistan and Afghanistan from ALIGHT), Dr. Zafar Iqbal (Dean, Social Sciences Department, IIUI), Dr. Noor Fatima (Chairperson, IR & Political Sciences Department, IIUI), Dr. Ghulam Ali (Chairman IBCC, Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training), engaged in thought-provoking discussion and deliberation apprised audience. The event was successfully moderated by Mr. Haseeb Khan (Officer Climate & Energy, WWF Pakistan).

The symposium provided a critical platform for comprehensive analysis and discourse on the pertinent topic of climate education and through informative discussion, insightful case studies, and interactive sessions, participants gained valuable perspectives on the profound implications of these interconnected challenges.

Beyond its educational value, the symposium facilitated networking opportunities and knowledge sharing among stakeholders from diverse sectors, fostering collaboration and synergy in addressing shared environmental concerns. Participants were encouraged to harness their collective expertise and resources to advance holistic approaches toward fostering climate literacy in the wake of current climatic challenges.

International Earth Day 2024

Join Dr. Roomi’s call to action this Earth Day!🌍 Let’s prioritize ‘Planet over Plastic’ and commit to sustainable choices. Embrace the 7Rs, spread awareness, and make every day count for our planet’s future.♻️ Together, we can make a tangible difference. #EarthDay #PlanetOverPlastic #Sustainability #April22