Two catastrophic temblors jolted Awaran and Kech districts of Balochistan in September last year. While the episode has been obscured by a series of new headlines in media, miseries continue to shake the affectees. Continue reading “Ruins without relief: Naseer Memon”
PNC-Election-Announcement 2013
Election for the IUCN Pakistan National Committee held in November 2013 for electing its Executive Committee for the period of January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015.
As per the results of the elections names of the office bearers are as follows:
1. Mr. Javed Jabbar Baanhn Beli
The million dollar question at COP19: Where’s the money?
A tunnel without vision
The term ‘ tunnel vision’ has always been used as a pejorative. People accused of having it are also variously called myopic, short-sighted, shallow, etc. But when one hears of grandiose projects like Islamabad New City, to be made accessible to the old one through a tunnel to be drilled through the National Park in the Margalla Hills, one wishes to plaster all of the above words and more on those conceiving the project! Continue reading “A tunnel without vision”